Meet the Team

Kingsacre Care Home has a team of professionals that are dedicated to making sure our residents have the highest quality of care delivered to them. Our compassionate carers believe in building strong relationships and treating each one another with respect.

Our home works hard to ensure that all staff, residents and guests feel valued and supported.

  • Maxine Kinnoch

    Home Manager
    Maxine KinnochHome Manager

    Maxine is our Home Manager, and she brings a wealth of experience to her role having started her career in the care sector as a Care Assistant before achieving her ambition to become a Nurse. Maxine worked in the NHS for 27 years on the surgical wards and Emergency Receiving and then became a Ward Manager.

    She then had an involvement in Practice Development which led to the role of Caring and Compassionate Practice Nurse and developing this philosophy across the service. Maxine then made the transition to be a Care Home Manager in 2013 and has not looked back since. Maxine is now ready for her next exciting role of commissioning our brand new luxury care home.

  • Lynn Forey

    Clinical Services Manager
    Lynn ForeyClinical Services Manager

    Lynn has been a registered nurse for over 12 years and trained at the University of the West of Scotland graduating in 2009. Lynn has developed her skills during her time at Kingsacre and is the home’s Clinical Services Manager

    “I have a real passion for elderly care and have worked in the sector for all of my nursing career. I started as a Staff Nurse in Kingsacre before being promoted to Clinical Services Manager”.

  • Laura Dunne

    Financial Administrator
    Laura DunneFinancial Administrator

    Laura joined Kingsacre in August 2023. She has a wide knowledge of the care sector and has been working as a care home administrator since 2017.

  • Jessy Joseph

    Staff Nurse
    Jessy JosephStaff Nurse

    Jessy has worked as a registered nurse in the UK for 19 years and joined Kingsacre in 2019. Jessy enjoys working in Kingsacre with the residents and team in the home.

  • Julie Martin

    SN Julie Martin
    Julie MartinNurse

    Julie started in Kingsacre in 2020 and commenced her nurse training at the same time. Julie started working as nurse in the care home as soon as she got her NMC pin number, she has a real passion for elderly care.

  • Carol Thomson

    Senior Care Assistant
    Carol ThomsonSenior Care Assistant

    Carol has been working in care for the past 3 years, starting as a care assistant and becoming a senior carer assistant and completing an SVQ 3. Carol has worked in Kingsacre her whole caring career and enjoys making a difference to people’s lives.

  • Clare Smallwood

    Care Assistant
    Clare Smallwood, Care Assistant at Kingsacre
    Clare SmallwoodCare Assistant

    Joined Kingsacre June 2021 having worked in care for the past 13 years. Clare enjoys doing some exercises with the residents in the afternoon and making them smile.

  • Ifiok Mkpong

    Care Assistant
    Ifiok MkpongCare Assistant

    Ifiok has been working as a Care Assistant within Kingsacre Care Home for almost a year, and she really enjoys being part of the team within the care home and has loved getting to know all of the residents.

  • Joanne Fisher

    Care Assistant
    Joanne FisherCare Assistant

    Joanne has been part of the team at Kingsacre for over a year now, care was a change of career for her, and claims it’s the best thing she has ever done. Joanne loves looking after the residents.

  • Michelle McMillan

    Care Assistant
    Michelle McMillanCare Assistant

    Michelle has worked in care for 7 years and has worked in Kingsacre Care Home since it opened in 2019. Michelle loves to look after our residents she finds it a very rewarding career despite its challenges and ups and downs. Michelle is very passionate about resident care. Michelle has completed an SVQ 3 and sometimes works as a senior care assistant.

  • Morgan O’Donnell

    Activities Co-ordinator
    Morgan O’DonnellActivities Co-ordinator

    Morgan joined the team in May 2023 as an Activities Coordinator. Morgan loves working alongside the residents, and making all of their days more exciting with activities which help them to look forward to the oncoming days with a variety of engaging 1-1 and group activities.

  • Liz Scott

    Liz ScottHousekeeper

    Liz has worked in Kingsacre for over a year now, she really enjoys working in the home with the residents and staff.

  • Amanda Adams

    amanda staff member at kingsacre
    Amanda AdamsHousekeeper

    Amanda has worked in Kingsacre for 2 years, she thinks Kingsacre is a great place to work and thinks all the staff and residents are lovely

  • Janice Irvine

    Janice IrvineReceptionist

    Janice joined Kingsacre in July 2023 to cover Aimee’s maternity leave. Janice has extensive experience in reception and administration in both the financial and charity sectors.