‘What Matters To You’ Day

Yesterday we were lucky enough to have a visit from Heather who is part of the Care Home Collaborative. Heather popped by to help us celebrate 'What Matters To You' Day. 'What Matters To You' Day is an NHS event where relatives, residents, staff and the wider community get together to help understand individuals in health and social care on what matters to them most.

Asking individuals what matters to them provides the opportunity for staff at Kingsacre Care Home to understand what truly matters to a resident, so that they can continue to satisfy their needs and ensure their stay at our residence is as pleasurable as possible by acting upon their feedback and working with them.
Staff residents and visitors all made pledges of what really matters to them. The comments were pinned to the wall for everyone to see what others had put and to have a discussion.

The Care Home Collaborative was created by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to work with and support care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
"The Collaborative is based on the principle of bringing people together across the many different groups, organisations and professions who are already working alongside the care home sector and for everyone to work collaboratively towards a common goal.
That overarching goal is in the spirit of learning, sharing and improving together to ensure the best possible lives for care home residents aligned to what matters to them."
There are two local Hubs and a central Hub that people can visit. The Hubs will offer additional expertise in a range of areas including (but not limited to) Infection Prevention and Control, person-centeredness, food, fluid and nutrition, tissue viability, quality improvement, leadership and education.
To find out more about how the Care Home Collaborative can help you, get in touch with the team today.